Post by Bobby on Jan 1, 2004 13:50:20 GMT
Out of nowhere Bobby comes into the match and nails Albear with a picture of Stephanie McMahon over the head and covers him.
New Hardcore champ, Bobby!
Jason v1.1
VCF Mid Carder
Catchphrase of the Moment: Go suck on a grape 'cos I don't care!
Posts: 210
Post by Jason v1.1 on Jan 1, 2004 17:04:25 GMT
Jason v1.1 has a dummy of Dave "Confidential" Duggan (im sorry if its the wrong name) in his hands and chucks it straight in Bobby's hands. Bobby hyper-ventilates and eventually falls unconcious. Jason v1.1 gets ran over by a car but somehow manages to land on Bobby. A near by referee spots Jason v1.1 and gets the count. Both Jason v1.1 and Bobby are laying on the floor. A mugger comes up and starts kicking us and stealing our money and mobile phones etc. Eventually kicking us in the road and being ran over numerous times. Paramedics and EMT's come with emergency help and take us to the A&E department of the near by hospital... YOUR NEW 5 TIME, 5 TIME, 5 TIME, 5 TIME, 5 TIME VIDEO COVER FORUM HARDCORE CHAMPION... JASON V1.1 (SOON TO BE UPGRADED TO V1.2)!!!!! ...but, who's this coming up to the hospital unit...
Post by "sXe" Albear on Jan 1, 2004 22:30:47 GMT
While Jason is having emergency surgery Albear runs in cracks his head wide open with a bed pan and gets the 1, 2, 3
Your New and Now 3 time, 3 time, 3 time, Hardcore Champion Albear
Post by Bobby on Jan 2, 2004 12:39:07 GMT
* Bobby is laying in an hospital bed and can't compete in hardcore title matches for over a week *
Post by SuperTurk on Jan 2, 2004 15:12:36 GMT
The SuperTurk then flies in knock alber out by shooting him with a painball gun. then gets SuperTurk gets the pin 1-2-3 new harcore champ:SuperTurk
Jason v1.1
VCF Mid Carder
Catchphrase of the Moment: Go suck on a grape 'cos I don't care!
Posts: 210
Post by Jason v1.1 on Jan 2, 2004 17:30:10 GMT
Jason v1.1 gets a paintball from SuperTurk ( WTF!) in his wound and is no longer able to compete for a whole hour!
Post by "sXe" Albear on Jan 2, 2004 22:05:44 GMT
Albear recovers from the paint ball shot ties SuperTurk to a bed and proceeds to give him a enima while SuperTurk is trying to recover Albear gets the 1,2,3
your new and now 4 time, 4 time, 4 time, 4 time, Hardcore champion
Post by Jeremy Walker on Jan 3, 2004 12:45:54 GMT
*Albear stands tall and thinks he's a bigshot with the VCF HC Title, as he celebrates he turns around into a Running Big Boot from "The Sensation of Innovation" Jeremy Walker! Walker then taunts before pinning Albear to become Hardcore Champ for the first time! Walker then hides in a hole where nobody will see him. ;D*
Post by Ash on Jan 3, 2004 13:25:07 GMT
Ash hits the Flash Ash Bitch Slap on JW (*C H A N T: You Got Bitch Slapped*) Then climps the top ropes and hits the Ash Splash then walks of for the second time not pinning the Champ
{Ash goes back stage and slaps a random person!}
Post by SuperTurk on Jan 3, 2004 15:40:37 GMT
while ash is busy bitchslappin people he dosent notice SuperTurk with supersticky glue which he uses 2 stick ash 2 da floor and pins him 1-2-3 new hardcore champion SuperTurk