Post by AshV1 on Jul 21, 2004 21:29:48 GMT
After a disscusion with Buck we decide to delete every member with 0 posts!
890 members deleted later and were left with the elite 396 members!
I aslo thought id name and shame the 0 posters!
You may see some reconizged names in there!
Post by AshV1 on Jul 21, 2004 21:31:46 GMT
You have successfully deleted the following users:
8mile2004 Albert AJSTYLES2004 AJ2004 009 Adman Adam ADG Adaceg2003 8019 ATSteveDuncan Alek Abyss 123 aj2004 degnr8 LetMeRegister mrxxx Dwarf BoWLeRDaV300 doomsday2004 adeadmanwalking Jozzyboy2003 Freakinmachine BigRob scotty1120 kgezy lacindy599 ThaKillah101 Steve61 Deadmanxddp twilson179 DAViDHBK maurice mel Joe Stryfe JFFC stan spudmonster Stepper blakeneal WCWRULES4LYF iscariah steve TheGame5788 blackman8 tomthechosenone cookin69 arkitek triplehmg RuneEdge5k1 feelmypain TDB Osito Jeez mynumber1 shadowmas Xavior Paul027 JasonUsher5 angel316 megalomanic grum Rizzotv Ivisem CANYONERO cdbern wwecity2004 hurrijames Ferminator SnopyDov ayatollah Paddaz316 messiah80 nbafanoz lankysi04 rockyboylucky1 bl1zz4rd Novice123 ewolds2000 leiva NOAH edds87 kieran michaelgcuk Chris19 wweboy bigevil lilgusto37 JonnyFairplay Shocker undertaker1985 kidkash888 whosnext2004 pirang elsupremo thestinger rockyboylucky thedvdmonster Berzerker goldberg04 guillermin brocklesnar syCho JAROTO kane matreue3 InsnC2 XTW Alexx redroverrules EfEdHhH JohnCena ortonrko Joyce immortalenemy tas2 McFly ma2kp shawnmichaelshhh Bootiful hell316 matthewyork chunk3rvd cha gloverstyle wweFN2995 dentheextremeasski dmcrocker81 Alexxxxxx jimbob2004 thuglyfgangsta rocky2004 undertaker2004 killswitch Pollox SatoshiKojima wwefanatic paranoidman Bnc thebrick WelshJ2000 OhYouDidntKnow grafficks tommo paranoidfan SW316 TheMackMilitant Cold247 ashcroft deadmatt2004 Bigs katana1100 sephirothis rey619 XMAN RDM2004 marshallmathers304 frantheman76 DoubleDown Tardis pheonics2004 pacifica mykiimykii grindking113 Vyper infornecomplex TommyF y2james1991 sirocco ultime Hollywood thuganomics101 adaceg pacemaker MattitudeV2 akunh tier GnR4lyfe richie westie wiggy austin316 Patomag POD cripplerbenoit Crossy diemex LDavies2K4 pid89 DanVanDam04 MOVIEOLOGIST920 eduaran alvaro poopoomarylin scannachiappolo76 darreng E20B LordofDarkness Blahhhhhhhhh CJBrown edge79 chris1 edds871 Flopy ganser tells wwecwcwwf deiniel wordlife316 kidoubled bigdaddydave Wacker kenbarpen foley4life rowie4life Razza whitesnake gjenie levski11 James619 muffin geobon pheonics Ducki Tw sj30 alext tatum21 vintagewrestling heilnims basicthug101 sddd morgs powerpu rastaman JBOB jeffx latroune2 TheGame seacrest jericho17 takertwo andrewwilliams Raptor knuckles1571 jsbonds Omen barrett rockhardrikaustin gts3107 KurtAngle KaneWWE Tchaira tito316 Dennis619 MaTTuP victorispaul RJAY Rivers04 ckerttu MrPinchy ldavies2k4 pace1025 cripplercrossface Greg4Life theicon movie598 kieranc darkside denz73 VLA ddm2021 shannonmoore JBL xodus247 limpbizkit JuveXobbie sleepingsun82 lesnar03 Himple04 afterburn sergiocwn c2j69 likwid8 hbkcturnbull JACK Edgeucated beefcake christianglueck dakilla Sting Moodyuk beatmeifyoucan CTB2 legendkiller woodrat dres MOVIEOLOGIST mattbro OneManGangbang TheGreatOne eddiec demolitionman backlashile HOTN Lewis wwefan rood3720 Rood3720 MRMATCHGAME NickClark covershunter batistanow kloneg RICHY Thug2004 chopper81 TheFranchiseera sob knarley albur catdawg NWAAJSTYLES thurlo Trax TChoo GFXMasta barker shadowthief themerevolution reyrey619 mayne compaq asd brianmac420 hailz BennyTheBull pid nurulabedin adaceg20032003 HHHBK rvd2kewl mrwrestling3 kidtrance evil dxfan joejoe wwefan365 VaderW bigpumpin Mataveli outsider97 warr edmenson1 bonga wrestlingphotos wweamlacher Conan nWo ElJuego proboardsmod hitstrong wwefan116 poole TheEvil bulldog316 ashtonwelsh Memorex wwerage wbwwrestling JME97372 champ316 shadylpete yeahhinc ronaldo9 faceyourfearkane TheGame2004 anthar tazzamanuten619 shadowmas22 snake666 goodieuk timizere jso07 uspsone e2gas FozzY2K CurlyTots adaceg2003 kane2007uk nurul8 KaiserJoe matthew rawisalok mushdb3388 Peepmaster kuzzy78 Osamushi HBK vatoloco Rivz04 coldestman1 SMK814 brainiac937 LegendKillerTour benjamint newWorldorder adacegextra goldberg06212 wrestlingparadise jso7 chrisw SCSA316 pace306 ryan psychosia2 Wolf stevemuldoon2004 lukekf Mattock Chepelin tiredandjaded adaceg2004 benjaminturpen Chico KingOfTheWorld RayWilson20 WWERules Doomsday Polster NOCK Mickyt jojodu21 KingRichard Craigwhu milo bjspringer Duckshoot stocks Maestrozamo abdullah nokia mysteri0 Markus jamo4008 Arens thebigbeef WWE Nash77 wHyDaMaGe wrestlingaddict VANSTER penguins316 icon fellthepain raulgl32 lulu365 Cracker tazzamanuten182 pufpuf dreamer1 AmazingRed beyondsimon rangers99 theman GT2000 timlovestorrie Lita2004 RickJamesBitch Brocky mahomes heathy themesh CEM2K3 maddmatt842 orlandojordan Saint Warna911 BoWLeRDaV Rain themeplaya DougieDonnelly w00t faggot g2 HHH002 wtfw00tz0rz TheDeadManLastRide murray2000 RKO TheRuler wwecw Manda IMC brockisrock jbayley007 gniwog MaTTuP20 welshj2000 Hitman Redguy1986 ducki litalover wweFN2005 vandamfan Ricky ringobongo jjslapnuts HillBillyJim michaeljohnheath BoSoxFan405 RyanMac messiah77 shyuan seafish harley619 syxxpac02 Crolik karsten TheHulkster Xander Brocksolid TheSolution mccordon XTOR stevon phenome spanishfly gg2k4 wfdave SnooKai HHH2004 CY86 sledge666 ppp shortbred Mattitudev3 triplej night4ever thegame666 checking goldberg2 ThemeCrazy242 james matreue DHBK cgabbs cZwRulez hollywoodsimon Stu316 Astro7x DblDown54914 saffy222 PoisonJam Stowk cashcroft pinktal paul87 ReneDupree1 Inkage dildo austintaker judgment knightsfan1989 scartcable czwczwczw sledge dmcrocker1981 ZiiigZaaag FU TNAisGR8 DerMogul rvdsplash samsaiz christiangl Mo10al scalou316 robertsdavid BretHitmanHart Robertakao studnatub monsia moscrof dmolesevich2003 CHP yanvenom LeonWCW X138 HomerSimpson writetomuddi jbseven jasnoor1234 shadow123455 dude1057 GoldenOne agggg Marky darkknight caneredman Epic KPA558 pazlevin lodownbrown UltimateWarrior remlap tank1986 TheProphecy wburnscoldplay c2j yyy neo316 mudassarkazi Soulkai Skippy Solution04 coldrman1 ZiiiigZaaaag undertaker andyw20032003316 AlexK lakersfan jerichoxs Himple316 ThatGuy maclan89 Kingkongbundy wweunleashed Marsh Coster Jerichoholic properbo fusion osew171185 DawnBTVS hitman00 wwedvdmaster123 royal2004 GarrisonCade Bartleby monsterofthemat dalejr81187 LITAisWAR therock10 guayo007 deadmatt newline antar marc15 blu masquerade Wwuullff BigDannyG sledge111 RvS newagegunn Vaughan316 John CrippleHunter daredevil17 leejackson8 MARKOWNSYOU sean DublDown54914 Rowdy MJP tj WCWForever stephfan365 majesto goldberg1 zeyda45 Gollum Kane2007 haru brock46 xwmikey Ralph187 Dragon dan420 JC adacegextra2003 mickyt nigga blu619 dx4life radiohead ManCityArePants robvandam420 squirl panzermeyer WWFClassics rattlesnake TheDeadHasRisen darthrage Doc egor Ebay RokinRich victor2003 y2jericho a SHALVIN phunktastic amyb adamant60 wrestlemania21 Alvarpas amyb1966 Unregistered therock1010 wordlife IanJ1 bigjintheuk Taker666 crippler TNT UTM04 unstoppable mitchduncan wrezler dex2919 Champion James316 Supersucka84 technikalfault williams ScoTT2002 Sam13 EMONE combatcowboy Justin BigSteveo HHH lilgusto5 LeoKane bigundertaker thejoker1701 SharkGuy koko fletch what X3MCHP wwecity Extreme02 RKO69 icon02 melios SexyBoy Wolfpac NOJ kosovo CrocKVD kp3 mehayek Ultimate cyrus cockknocker Milad786 gameguy urmutha cdbodzila jacky79 marx83 Funaklee BOS C2Kinney Fuff dodecahedron PTV kane80 tommomania has max NatureBoyFan4Life cwnchile ashford107 mykii pablopickarsehole kidkash88 Kane2007uk intensewrestling gossy Hitman316 blanchardfan waliczekm saleen1182 someguy9 BigUndertaker ChRiS GoldHBK10 steveuk colonelcarnage ldolby Y2Arthur joe2025 sandman173 amnsam wrestling4life bigrod thunder3131 MachoMan ferminator guayo smokeweed hitsstrong shadowmas2222 shawn816 Himple rdu aaronblrt1 RPJK kwiks90 latroune thephenom2004 jasonwilliams
thats only part of the list!
Post by Buckdawg on Jul 21, 2004 21:35:38 GMT
Nah nah nahhhh nahhhh, nah nah nahhhh nahhhhh, heyyy heeeeeeyyyyyy, GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Speedy "The Dude" on Jul 21, 2004 22:00:09 GMT
Damn, that's a bitchload of faggots.
Post by FinalDestination on Jul 21, 2004 22:03:58 GMT
They may be gone but they are still winners! I have created the Top 10 Greatest Member Names Ever and they are all on that list!
1.LetMeRegister(best.name.ever.) 2.123(Kid?) 3.009(007*) 4.poopoomarylin(No comment) 5.cockknocker(And everyone thought I was the only gay) 6.Unregistered(Idiot) 7.Bootiful(God I hope that wasnt Dai the always happy bastard) 8.MRMATCHGAME(Too bad he never posted would have made a good Cullum like gimmick) 9.MrPinchy(See number 8) 10.smokeweed(Well if you ever lost a battle at least he could ease your pain.)
Post by Leathers 97 on Jul 22, 2004 1:15:50 GMT
Good ridance to a lot of hanger ons. The VCF is better of without all those Jack asses.
Post by [audio|artist] on Jul 22, 2004 10:37:53 GMT
Bollucks there goes my secret account.
I mean...what secret account?
Post by Bobby on Jul 22, 2004 10:52:42 GMT
Excellent job Ash Like Leathers said, VCF is a lot better without these faggots. Gold medals for Ash and Buck!
Post by NewJack on Jul 22, 2004 13:49:53 GMT
They may be gone but they are still winners! I have created the Top 10 Greatest Member Names Ever and they are all on that list! 1.LetMeRegister(best.name.ever.) 2.123(Kid?) 3.009(007*) 4.poopoomarylin(No comment) 5.cockknocker(And everyone thought I was the only gay) 6.Unregistered(Idiot) 7.Bootiful(God I hope that wasnt Dai the always happy bastard) 8.MRMATCHGAME(Too bad he never posted would have made a good Cullum like gimmick) 9.MrPinchy(See number 8) 10.smokeweed(Well if you ever lost a battle at least he could ease your pain.) LMAO Dave, you silly cunt.
Post by Jeremy Walker on Jul 22, 2004 19:50:03 GMT
Nice job, as I said a few weeks ago I do this regularly at my forum and it's better as a result.
Some of those member names are f'd up man!