And here they are u complete and utter piece of useless trash u.
As soon as i logged in i thought i cud smell shit. And low and behold, i check the announcements section, and who's sorry ass do i see has made his return? None other than the overhyped, underprivelidged, self-obsessed, lameass lonely, talks-the-talk-but-daren't-walk-the-walk Mr. Friday Night himself, the one and only Highlight freakin Reel...
And just when u thought it was safe to go back in the Asylum...
Seriously, i was wondering when ur sorry ass was gonna crawl back out from the rock u were hiding under, and now we know. What happened? Did sumone kick the rock away and accidently tread on the piece of shit that was stuck underneath, trampling u all the way back to VCF like the shit stain u are?
U got sum nerve showin ur face (not to mention those poor excuses for things u call "graphics") around here chump. Maybe ur back for the ass whoopin u shyed away from last time round, courtesy of the Dawg? Cos u gotta admit, it's one HELL of a long time overdue.
See Highlight my boy, i see u as the terd i never quite had. The turtle head that was poking out, but i never quite got the chance to let lose and flush away. Everytime i pushed, the head would go back in. But yet everytime i farted, it always reminded me u were there.
And now, after months of constipation, i finally hear that elusive PLOP that i've been waiting to hear. The words "im back" fresh from the mouth of Mr. Friday Night himself.
I wonder how you've spent ur time away...
Maybe you've just been wiping up the tears u spilt over and over when u got ur ass handed to u in the days gone by?
Maybe, and i sincerly hope this is the case, maybe you've been practising, tryin to make sumthin of those skidmarks u called graphics...
Or maybe, just MAYBE, you've finally found the courage to come back, take the Asylum by storm, make good on both ur potential AND ur promises, and firmly cement ur place in Asylum history as one of the best graphic makers this place has ever seen?
Hell, it's a long shot, but MAYBE it might be true...
Welcome back bitch